Those Who Dig is an experimental film created by film artists KA&HA, Jonas Hall from Denmark and Nele Ka from Estonia. The work touches on existentialism and the struggles of the average human looking for meaning in his/her life. In the film a man searches until he finds something so plainly obvious. Concentrating on the individual it views the struggles it takes on in an attempt to find meaning. The restless search in life reveals two directions, one, a man who pursues his goal and the other who lets life meet him as it comes. The two embarkments ultimately lead back to the beginning. I had the pleasure of taking part in the film as the 'older' version of the man who digs. The film was first premiered at Huset in Aalborg in 2017. More info can be found at their website
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"A girl lost on stage. A woman trying to relive her youth. A boy in love. A man struggling to eradicate the noise." Katarsis was filmed by the duo KA&HA in 2018. It is approximately 20 minutes long and a little on the unusual side to say the least, but unique nonetheless. I had the pleasure of working with them again in this endeavour and play the part of farmer who seemed to be highly annoyed with modern technology. September 19, 2014 I participated in the annual Park(ing) Day at the university of Aalborg where I attend. "PARK(ing) Day is a annual open-source global event where citizens, artists and activists collaborate to temporarily transform metered parking spaces into “PARK(ing)” spaces: temporary public places. " (taken from ) The idea started in San Francisco back in 2005 and now has become a global event. The first semester students from the Art and Technology program at Aalborg University in Denmark including myself participated that day. Its amazing just how creative people can be as a group working together to work toward a common goal. Here is a video and a few pictures from the day. |
Randall HeathAs an artist, photographer, and designer I am ever taken up by my curiosity in nature and by what we don't always take notice to. Spontaneity keeps me ever playful in my creations which emphasises humor, lightheartedness, and a little wit. ArchivesCategories |